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Updates on Management of Soybean Aphid and Soybean Gall Midge

Insect pests in soybean continue to pose challenges.  After a couple relatively “quiet” years for soybean aphid, a widespread aphid outbreak occurred in 2024. This presentation will review soybean aphid management, include research results on the efficacy (or lack thereof) for various insecticides. The soybean gall midge is a newer pest in Minnesota soybean. The biology and management of this pest will be reviewed, including exciting updates related to biological control of this pest.

Speaker: Robert Koch, University of Minnesota

Biography: Dr. Robert (Bob) Koch is a Professor & Extension Entomologist in the Department of Entomology, UMN. His research focuses on the ecology and management of insect pests in soybean, including chemical and biological controls, host-plant resistance, and remote sensing. He received his PhD in Entomology from the University of Minnesota, and his BA in Biology from St. John’s University.