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Legislative Information

2024 Session Update

See the MCPR Legislative Update in the May 20, 2024 Enews

Agricultural Retailers Association – 2023 Farm Bill Position Paper

Agricultural retailers and distributors play a vital role in the success of the nation’s food security. These businesses are responsible for getting the right crop inputs to their farmer customers at the right time, which can be difficult in the short time frame that farmers have to plant. Retailers also provide their farmer customers with crop consulting services and custom pesticide and fertilizer application services. The following are issues of importance to the agricultural retail industry in the Farm Bill:   Read the ARA 2023 Farm Bill Position Paper.

2023 Special Legislative Update

There are just days left in the 2023 Minnesota legislative session with a looming constitutional adjournment date of Monday, May 22. With the DFL controlling all three levers of state government, the fate of many key fiscal and policy priorities will be determined in short order as the session finish line approaches over the legislative horizon.  READ MORE.

2023 Legislative Session Adjourns

The Minnesota Legislature adjourned for the year last night in what many Capitol observers are calling one of the most historic legislative sessions in a generation. As readers will recall, last summer many political prognosticators were predicting a “red wave” to crash not only onto the shores of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes, but throughout the rest of the country. However, after the election dust settled throughout the land it became clear that the only waves experienced in Minnesota were ones that were of the blue persuasion. One surprise that many didn’t expect heading into the elections was the possibility of the DFL taking control of both bodies of the Minnesota Legislature.  READ MORE.