2021 Short Course
The 2021 CPM Short Course and MCPR Trade Show was held exclusively at the Minneapolis Hilton hotel. All programming, the trade show, and overnight accommodations were at the Minneapolis Hilton for 2021.
Schedule of Events
Tuesday, December 7th
9 AM - Registration Opens
10 AM - Technical Service Provider Training
1 PM - MCPR Plenary Session
2 PM - Pesticide Applicator Recertification (Category H: Seed Treatment)
3 PM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom (on the 3rd level) Opens with Ice Breaker Reception
4:30 PM - MCPR Annual Meeting (in Exhibit Hall)
6:30 PM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom Closes
Wednesday, December 8th
7 AM - Registration Opens
8 AM - Pesticide Applicator Recertification
8 AM - General Session Crop Pest Management Short Course
9 AM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom Opens
11 AM - Break and Opportunity to Visit the Exhibit Hall
12 PM - Lunch (Exhibit Hall)
1 PM - Concurrent Crop Pest Management Short Course Sessions
5 PM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom Closes
Thursday, December 9th
7 AM - Registration Opens
8 AM - Concurrent Crop Pest Management Short Course Sessions
9 AM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom Opens
11 AM - Exhibit Hall in the Grand Ballroom Closes
12 PM - Lunch
1 PM - Concurrent Crop Pest Management Short Course Sessions