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Clean Fuel Tax Policy, and How Crop Retailers Can Engage (as it stands in Dec 2024)

Recently there’s been a lot of discussion about how the industry might benefit from newly authorized and clean fuel tax credits with low carbon intensity agriculture. Panelists will provide the current “lay of the land” pertaining to Clean Fuel Production Credits, how you can best position your farmers to take advantage of premiums for reducing carbon intensity through soil-friendly, climate smart practices, sound data stewardship, and other supporting services.

Speakers: Brian Werner (Minnesota Biofuels Association) and Amanda Bilek (Minnesota Corn Growers Association)


Brian Werner was appointed Executive Director of MN Bio-Fuels on Sept 26, 2022. A native of Marshall, MN, Brian's prior experience includes working for Sen. Amy Klobuchar as Deputy Legislative Director/Senior Legislative Assistant for renewable energy and agriculture. Throughout that time, he supported the Senator’s work to protect mandatory funding for Farm Bill energy title programs, maintain stability in the implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard, provide economic relief for biofuel producers negatively affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and secure federal investment in biofuel infrastructure.

Brian also spent time on Capitol Hill in the offices of former Congressman Collin Peterson and former U.S. Senator, Tim Johnson, of South Dakota. He received his BA from Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a master's degree in public policy and public administration from American University in Washington, D.C.

Amanda Bilek joined Minnesota Corn is 2017 and is the Senior Public Policy Director. Bilek works closely with the Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council farmer-leaders to develop and implement effective legislative and regulatory public policy strategies that contribute to Minnesota Corn’s mission to improve opportunities for corn growers. Bilek leads policy and strategy development for state and federal government affairs. In this role, she leads state and federal lobbying activities working closely with other policy staff, contractors and Minnesota Corn’s federal affiliate, the National Corn Growers Association. Bilek also oversees MCGA political activities and administers the MCGA federal and state political action committees.

Prior to joining Minnesota Corn, Bilek held government affairs and public policy positions with non-governmental entities at the state and regional level. Bilek grew up on a small farm in central Minnesota and attended the University of St Thomas in St. Paul where she earned degrees in political science and environmental studies.