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Crop Protection

MDA Best Management Practices

Use of Glyphosate on LibertyLink GT27 & GT27 Soybeans March 2019

ACRRA Surcharge Rates Effective January 1, 2025

The Agricultural Chemical Response and Reimbursement Account (ACRRA) was created to reimburse persons for costs incurred in cleaning up agricultural chemical (pesticide and fertilizer) incidents. The account is funded by annual surcharges on pesticide and fertilizer manufacturers, distributors, applicators and dealers. The surcharge rate is determined by the Commissioner of Agriculture.

2025 ACRRA Surcharge Rates

Pesticide Rinsate Management

MDA would like to remind MCPR members that their facilities must apply pesticide or fertilizer rinsate / precipitation per label directions or in the case of fertilizer at a rate that will not cause environmental damage. Also, please be aware that pesticide rinsate, fertilizer or fertilizer rinsate, pesticide treated seed, are not accepted at waste pesticide collections operated by county Household Hazardous Waste facilities, or at collection events sponsored by the MDA. Please review the Pesticide Rinsate Management fact sheet linked below and dispose of rinsates as directed. Do not bring them for disposal through the waste pesticide collection program. Large volumes of rinsate deplete the revenues allocated to the disposal of straight pesticides that are no longer usable or wanted.

The American Agronomic Stewardship Alliance

The American Agronomic Stewardship Alliance (AASA) is a not-for-profit (501C (6)) organization that has taken the lead in developing a stewardship inspection program for agricultural retail facilities that store bulk, mini bulk, portable refillable containers (PRC's) and packaged crop protection products.

Our Mission
"Dedicated to leading the agricultural industry in educating, developing & promoting safe stewardship and best management practices for storing, handling and repackaging crop protection products throughout the distribution and retail supply chain."

AASA Inspections Article for State Associations

AASA Website