MCPR Establishes “MN Crop PAC” Political Action Committee – Contributions Welcome!
A political action committee (PAC) is a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to support legislative candidates or legislative caucuses. The “MN Crop PAC” was established by the MCPR Board in 2022 with the goal to financially assist lawmakers who demonstrate support for Minnesota’s ag retail sector on various legislative and regulatory issues.
One of the main goal’s in creating the MN Crop PAC was to further amplify MCPR member involvement in the political engagement and advocacy process as we look forward to the fall elections. The creation of the MN Crop PAC builds off of the success experienced during the first annual “MCPR Day at the Capitol” event that was held in March of 2022. In order to continue the sophistication of MCPR’s presence and growing influence in St. Paul, these funds are being raised from MCPR members. In turn, these contributions will allow MCPR to continue to “plant” our flag with lawmakers in St. Paul.
As a reminder, please review MCPR's Legislative Update in the May 20, 2024 Enews which includes a disposition of the advocacy work MCPR conducted earlier this year and how several proposed pieces of legislation would have affected Minnesota’s ag retail and crop input sector. As you read through this document, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about what happened, what didn’t happen, and how the MN Crop PAC can be an additional tool to assist in shaping what might happen in St. Paul during the upcoming legislative sessions.
If you are interested in making a financial contribution, please fill out the MN Crop PAC contribution form. All checks must come from an individual and be made out to “MN Crop PAC”, which can then be mailed to MCPR. Also, all contributions must come from individuals and not from a company or any other business as Minnesota law prohibits companies and corporations from contributing to political action committees.
If you have any questions about the MN Crop PAC, please contact Lee Helgen at (651) 331-0981 or Thank you in advance for your contribution, it is greatly appreciated!