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The Price of Growth: Trends Shaping Global Agricultural Input Markets

The agribusiness input world has again been rocked by a confluence of internal and external factors: extreme weather, fluctuating prices, geopolitical instability, changing financial and capital flows and new innovations reshaping supply and demand. We will discuss and interpret some key dynamics and trends that every agribusiness professional needs to understand and follow, from new trade flows, macro and microeconomic externalities, the future of globalization (or deglobalization?) and innovations that will shape the input business as we grow into the future.

Speaker:  Erik Hoegemeyer, Midland University

Biography:  Erik Hoegemeyer is an Assistant Professor and Agribusiness Program Coordinator at Midland University in Fremont, NE. In addition, Erik performs professional infotainment seminars for Agribusiness firms in the seed, ethanol, ag retail, and livestock industries. Prior to entering academics, he was employed for 25 years in various financial and executive positions in the Commodity Trading, Swine, Seed, Agrichemical, and Transportation industries. He is married to his wife Kari and has four children: Elisabeth, 18, Andrew, 16, Phillip, 14, and Joseph 12. They currently reside in the Omaha suburb of Elkhorn, NE.