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Wednesday Schedule

December 10th, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM and December 11th, 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

*Please note Category C starts in that afternoon on Tuesday, December 10th!

These MDA-approved sessions are for applicators that need recertification credit in Categories A (Core), C (Field Crop Pest Management), and/or H (Seed Treatment). Workshop topics will include insect, disease, and weed updates, new pesticide safety topics, prevention of off-target movement of pesticides, and more. Please bring your current license card with you.

*Start time on Wednesday, December 11th is 7:30 am!

  • Category A + C:  Attend December 10th from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm and December 11th recertification sessions from 7:30 am to 11:15 am.
  • Category A + H:  Attend all December 11th recertification sessions (7:30 am to 4:30 pm).
  • Category A + C + H:  Attend all December 10th and December 11th recertification sessions.

Do You Need to Recertify? Please refer to your pesticide applicator license for your recertification due date. If the due date is 12/31/2024 then you will need to take a recertification workshop, or retest with MDA, by the end of 2024 in order to renew your license in 2025. You can also check the status of your license, including your recertification date, online at: For any licensing questions, please contact MDA at: 651-201-6615 or  PLEASE NOTE: 2025 RENEWAL NOTICES WILL BE PRINTED PRIOR TO THIS EVENT. AFTER CREDIT IS GIVEN TO PARTICIPANTS, THE RETEST FEE WILL BE REMOVED FROM RENEWAL AMOUNT.


December 11th, 8 AM – 11 AM

MCPR Legislative Policy Discussion and Elections Update

The 2024 elections will shape agriculture policy at the Federal and State levels of government. Join us as we engage with a panel of key stakeholders and policy experts to review the election results and hear how that will influence policy priorities, public investment strategies, and regulatory action. MCRP invites you to participate in this discussion, offering a unique opportunity to learn and grow your understanding of the issues likely to impact ag retailers and the ag sector. This session will help you and your organization’s leadership team be better prepared to engage with policymakers and strengthen our advocacy efforts.

Panelists: Brian McClung, McClung PR & Blois Olson. Fluence Media

Brian McClung
Brian McClung
Blois Olson
Blois Olson

Soil Health and Climate Smart Ag: What’s in it for me?

Minnesota is receiving a historic influx of federal and state funding promoting widespread adoption of soil-friendly and climate-smart agricultural practices, including $1.2B worth of USDA Climate Smart Commodity partnership projects impacting our state. Simultaneously, unprecedented demand for sustainably produced products and feedstocks creates an opportunity for ag retail to diversify revenue streams, capture new markets, and continue to build trust with customers by incorporating conservation-aligned services into their business. But what does that all mean for you?

Shifting to a “climate-smart” agricultural system requires industry wide collaboration and innovative approaches to scale. Speakers will share current opportunities, practical experience and on the ground examples of successful service-models for conservation delivery, while engaging the audience in applying key insights to their own position in the value chain.

After brief presentations, the panel will host a Q&A to foster dialogue, solicit perspectives, and forge connections to emerging opportunities in the public and private sector.


  • Anna Cates, Soil Health Specialist, Minnesota Office for Soil Health
  • Ariel Kagan, Climate and Working Lands Program Director, Minnesota Farmers Union
  • Jared House, Soils Programming Coordinator, MN Board of Soil and Water Resources
  • Andrew Lambert, Technology Services Manager, Centra Sota Cooperative
  • TJ Cartes, Regional Sales Representative, Saddle Butte Ag

Moderator: Peter Mead, Agriculture Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy


AI Guided Advancements in Agriculture

Dr. David Mulla, Department of Soil, Water & Climate at the University of Minnesota

This talk will provide an overview of how AI is being used in agriculture, give some example success stories for AI applications in agriculture, and discuss future directions and challenges for accelerating the adoption of AI in agriculture. Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are rapidly emerging to assist producers improve productivity, efficiency of inputs and sustainability of agricultural practices such as tilling the soil, planting a crop, applying irrigation, fertilizer, manure or crop protection products, and harvesting.  AI is a powerful approach for assessing spatiotemporal patterns and uncertainty arising from variations in weather, soils, nutrient availability, insects, and disease that may affect productivity. AI guided tools are emerging to help producers with early detection and treatment of stresses from water, nutrients, pests and diseases.

Specific strengths of AI include computer perception and vision, classification, regression, clustering, and predictive analytics, multi-criteria, multi-objective decision-making, and natural language processing tools as exemplified by chatbots and virtual assistants. Advances in AI have fostered the widespread adoption of autosteer tractors in agriculture. Advances have also been significant in the areas of a) remote sensing for precision agriculture, b) detection of stress from weeds, insects, nitrogen or water, c) robotic navigation and manipulation, and d) crop phenology assessment.

Dr. Mulla is Professor and Larson Chair for Soil & Water Resources in the Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate at the Univ. of Minnesota, and a member of the Executive Committee for the National AI-CLIMATE Institute.  From 2004 – 2024 he was Director of the Precision Agriculture Center at the Univ. of Minnesota. From 2007-2013 he was a consultant to the Millennium Challenge Corporation for a project to install erosion control practices and plant 8 million olive trees on 75,000 ha in Morocco.

Dr. Mulla and his coauthors (including 46 MS and PhD students) have produced over 230 publications, and have received funding of over $50 million.  Broadly speaking, Dr. Mulla’s pioneering research on precision agriculture contributed significantly to its adoption in the US and around the world, fostering business opportunities, job growth and greater economic and environmental efficiency in agriculture.

Dr. Mulla is an internationally recognized researcher and scholar.  His peers elected him as a Fellow in the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), and as a Fellow in the Agronomy Society of America. In 2012 he received the Pierre C. Robert Precision Agriculture Research Award from the International Society for Precision Agriculture. In 2013 he received the SSSA Soil Science Applied Research Award.   He has served as Associate and Technical Editor for the Soil Science Society of America Journal, and as Associate Editor for the journal Precision Agriculture.


Click the session for a detailed session description and speaker bio(s).














1:00 pm

Sky-High Pest Management Solutions: The Role of Drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in Pesticide Applications for MN Crop Production

Panelists: Jay Sorg, Jordan Stickle, and Gurinderbir Chala

Agri Spray Drones / Stickle Agronomy / Minnesota Department of Agriculture


Funding Models for Crop Retailers Providing Soil Health & Conservation Agronomy Services

Ruth McCabe & Amy Robak

Heartland Co-op / Centra Sota Cooperative


1:55 pm

Nitrate in Groundwater

Margaret Wagner

Minnesota Department of Agriculture


Implement BMPs to Tackle High Acetechlor Detections in Surface Waters

Naworaj Acharya

Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Optimizing White Mold Management in Soybeans and Dry Beans with Fungicides

Michael Wunsch

North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center

Clean Fuel Tax Policy, and How Crop Retailers Can Engage (as it stands in Dec 2024)

Brian Werner / Amanda Bilek

Minnesota Biofuels Association / Minnesota Corn Growers Association


3:15 pm

Weed Management: What do they Mean When They say Implement a Systems Approach?

Tom Peters

North Dakota State University / University of Minnesota


Conservation Practices: Stacking Programs & Leveraging Networks for Farmer Success

Jared House & Mark Gutierrez

MN Board of Soil and Water Resources/ Minnesota Soil Health Coalition